Man collection F/W 18-19 drawn and build by Dante Leo Capasso.____
Down below an interview made for L'Officielle Lithuania in May 2018 to explain something more about this work:
my collections are mostly made by mind works and I leave to the connection between the different elements the final esthetic result. in this kind of works I'm not influenced by trends at all. for sure you can find other influences more connected to my life and my fondness like man proportion and tools coming from rave culture. as a consultant and print designer trends are the key points that let me intervene on others work in a delicate way. this kind of work is close to acting for me, where his clothes, think like he does and taking in hands his project without seeing the change, even if at the end is visible my contribute. I really need to see my work as a big game and trends part of it 'cause I don't like this way to concentrate works in specific categories to be better sold.
-----men's fashion in modern culture/ gender in fashion-----
in generical therms, man becoming more and more a flexible matter in fashion.
Slowing it seems like he is finally ripping off that clothes of virility and domination made for him by the patriarchal society.
The topic of build a personal identity trailed along behind the growing individualism of contemporary society and that "alpha male"uniform seemed like symbolic chains that imprison men in a role that they want to play anymore. So, as every symbol of submission, the suit was taken by designer, fragmented and reinterpreted.
today we have the following steps, we had enough even to play with this inherited codes. We are inventing new codes that promote contamination and blending instead of division. Only like that man can cross the line jumping in the female wardrobe (as she already did for a while) reinventing the meaning of clothes or throwing away al the meanings and just taking the shape and taking all the freedom that he needs to interact with the image of himself.
As a designer and a human being, I just can see positive this climate of contamination hoping that very soon therms like "masculine" or "feminine" will be just memories.
-----your experience in Lithuania-----
I'm very satisfied with my Lithuanian experience. that was my first runway show and it was very exciting for me. the skatepark matched perfectly with my monsters and it was great to share this experience with Federico and Alessandro. discovering Vilnius was great, in Uzupis area I felt home and I befriended beautiful people that I felt a strong connection with. I hope to come back soon to Vilniele waterfront.
-----whats your personal mission as a designer?-----
my mission is to create a dialogue, to point out some thoughts or some scene or some moment that obsessed me, to follow that, elaborate that, break that down. When I arrive at some interesting conclusion I want to share the game start and it's time to transform abstract thing in tridimensional shape let interact with materials, the human body and all the clothing codes creating a new language that (when it does work) helps the primal concept to be discussed.
-----your career from day one up to now?-----
I'm very interested to find the best communication instrument so I try to operate in different environments. I started this research in Salerno, my hometown, learning the actor trade ad the graphic design, then I was fascinated by the urge to dedicate myself to performing art so I went in Florence to join Polimoda fashion school looking for something complete that gave me all the tools and methods to create. I graduated last June and I'm working for one year as a freelance print designer for 3 international fashion brand. Meanwhile, I'm working on my first art installation and, with a group of artist and designer based in Florence, I'm forming a new interdisciplinary open collective.
----- your brand's style and philosophy and why so?-----
I don't have a brand 'cause my collections right now are more about simple storytelling with no commercial purposes. For this reason, the codes used in every collection are drastically different each other. in particular the collection that I'm showing "collettivo generativa anonima" is my first attempt at generative art with something in common with the way of think of "movimento Internazionale situazionista", Russian constructivism and the pursuit of anonymity.
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