A conversation with Academy Award-winning producer & songwriter Giorgio Moroder - Motivational short stories by author Riccardo Lo Faro.
In this short story (presented in e.book format) Giorgio opens up and tells the author his life story and how he made it to become one of the leading DJs, songwriters, music producers of all times. Not even the three Academy Awards' Oscars he received have made him a celebrity, not from his point of view at least! He is an amazing, easy going, down to earth human being still playing music of all kinds, always at the top. Giorgio worked with many international superstars such as Barbra Streisand, Bonnie Tyler, David Bowie, Donna Summer, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Janet Jackson, Nina Hagen and Olivia Newton-John. His work with synthesizers heavily influenced several music genres such as new wave, techno and electronic music. He produced and co-wrote the song "Take My Breath Away" (from Top Gun (1986)) that topped the Billboard charts for New Wave band Berlin in September 1986.
Please find this same e.book also on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.ca/Giorgio-Moroder-suggestions-PrimiDieci-Motivational-ebook/dp/B07F5J9T2R/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?keywords=pappano+riccardo+lo+faro&qid=1574163327&s=digital-text&sr=1-2-fkmr0
27 pagine
giorgio moroder motivational inspiring riccardo lo faro short stories conversation dance music celebrity academy awards' oscar dj
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