In questa Edizione New Art presenta L'Evento Made In Italy at the Avenues Mall in Kuwait con tutti i protagonisti Artisti e Artigiani Italiani, La nostra Associazione FRATTINA, nel 2008 organizzò la Mostra patrocinata dall'ICE, fu un enorme successo. Non ci furono contributi e tutto fu possibile solo grazie ai partecipanti che sostennero tutte le spese.
Speriamo di poter ripetere questa esperienza con i contributi delle Istituzioni.
In this Edition New Art presents the Made In Italy Event at the Avenues Mall in Kuwait with all the protagonists Italian Artists and Artisans, Our FRATTINA Association, in 2008 organized the Exhibition sponsored by ICE, it was a huge success. There were no contributions and everything was only possible thanks to the participants who supported all the expenses.
We hope to be able to repeat this experience with the contributions of the institutions.
8 pages
istituto ice esteri made in rome arts&crafts arte artisti ninolabarbera alessandro fagioli zanon gallery pittura scultura