When you create your flipbook you can enter some useful information that will help users understand what topics your publication is about and that will allow search engines to find it more easily.
We advise you to take great care of the description of your flipbook, inserting all the necessary text to explain the main concepts and specifying all the details that can intrigue a reader and entice him to continue reading.
Focus in particular on the topics that set you apart and the words your users might be looking for to find you, avoiding focusing instead on the very common words.
In the same way use the TAG section to insert the main terms that characterize your publication.
With this simple step it will be our care to automatically send your flipbook to search engines to ensure that it is indexed, so as to receive new users from the searches that will be carried out.
Do not leave these fields empty, this information is very important and will help your publication to make its way on the web!
There are several actions you can take right away to generate traffic. For each flipbook, in the "share" section you will find the suggested methods to spread your publication.
You can use the social sharing buttons to publish your flipbook on the different social platforms you use, in this way your publication will be shared within the social network.
Instead, use the "flipbook link" to email your publication to your contacts, or to create a newsletter to send to your contacts. By clicking the link within the email, the people who receive it will go directly to your publication.
You can also use the "flipbook link" on your site or blog, create a link that will open your flipbook directly.
Finally, if you want to insert the flipbook on your site, without opening a new page, use the inclusion code. A tile (iFrame) of the size you specify will be created, where your publication will appear within the page of your site, exactly where you paste the provided code.
Triggering a chain reaction is easier than it seems, a few shares can quickly turn into hundreds of visits!
When you boost a flipbook you get several additional features.
In addition to these additional features, your flipbook will also receive a priority in submission to search engines and will be periodically resubmitted in order to maximize natural diffusion.
Obviously this process is strongly influenced by the data you have entered in the title, description and TAGs, so once again we remind you to pay special attention to filling in those fields accurately.
The boost also allows you to make your flipbook more interactive and pleasant to read thanks to the sensitive areas, and provides you with the statistics tool (statistics icon), essential to keep under control the spread of your flipbook.
The activities you undertake outside of Sfogliami are also very important.
After creating your flipbook, share the address by all the means at your disposal, for example, add the link in the signature of your email, on your business card and on the home page of your site or blog.
Every contact is important! if your flipbook is for sale, direct your efforts towards the people potentially interested in your content.
You can find them for example on social networks, looking for groups that talk about a certain topic, on forums or blogs.