• Frequently Asked Questions & Technical Notes

What happens to my PDF after uploading?
Sfogliami stores your PDF file and performs a number of operations.
Based on the size of the first page, it distinguishes single pages from double pages and converts all content (text and images) into a graphic file.
Two versions of each page are created: a lighter one is used for page animation. The other heavier, is used for the zoom function.
Each user can decide whether to read the flipbook "browsing" it or to download the PDF file on his computer or device.
PDF downloading can be disabled in the flipbook options.
I want to sell my flipbook, what do I need to know?
First of all, you cannot sell copyrighted material that does not belong to you.
You need a PayPal account on which you will receive payments that users can make by credit card or through their PayPal account.
Sfogliami does not withhold any amount on sales, the money goes directly from the user who buys to your PayPal account
The activation of PayPal is free and is the most widespread and established payment system on the web. For more information on PayPal and how it works click here.
When you sell your flipbook you can decide to sell only the browsable version, based on images, or to enable the download of the PDF file.
What can I do to improve the visibility of my browsable?
We have written a small guide with some simple indications to make your flipbook a success story.
To discover our tips click here
I uploaded my PDF file, but I get a "generic error"
There is a maximum time available for uploading your PDF.
If the upload does not complete within 2 minutes, Sfogliami responds with a "generic error".
In this case you can try to upload using a faster connection, or you can save your PDF file in slightly lower quality to optimize its final size.
Normally a PDF file uploaded for conversion should not weigh more than 100Mb.
If you still have problems with the conversion contact us by writing to supporto@sfogliami.it
The photos and/or other graphic elements are not displayed correctly in my flipbook, but they are present in the PDF
You can solve all conversion problems by generating your PDF (from InDesign or other pagination software) with these settings:
PDF standard: "PDF/X-1a:2001"
This export mode merges all the elements of the page on a single layer returning a PDF that always converts correctly.
This setting can be found in the PDF export options, any PDF can be exported to this format by the person who made it.
I received an email stating that my PDF has not been converted / is too large
Sfogliami does not accept PDF files that exceed the A2 format (594mm x 420mm).
If your PDF is larger, you'll need to convert it before uploading.
In addition, the PDF format allows the inclusion of interactive elements, such as videos, forms, links, etc. "Multimedia" PDF files are not compatible with PDF/X (print) standards and can give errors during conversion.
Sfogliami is a digital publishing platform, therefore does not accept files of format that are not compatible with the standards for printing.
Save your document in a compatible format for printing, if you still have problems with the conversion contact us by writing to supporto@sfogliami.it
I created a flipbook, but the division into pages is not as I expected
Sfogliami is able to guess the structure of your PDF file.
Based on the relationship that exists between the first page and the next, it deduces whether these are single or double pages.
This system works with all files suitable for conversion, but if you upload a PDF file in an abnormal format (i.e. not divided into pages) or with pages of different formats, you may get an unsatisfactory result.
Save your PDF with the pages in the right order, using a single page as the first page.
If you still have problems with the conversion contact us by writing to supporto@sfogliami.it
How do I delete print borders?
If your PDF file is set up correctly, Sfogliami recognizes the crop area and automatically deletes the print borders.
Save your PDF without print margins before uploading the file to Sogliami
If you still have problems with the conversion contact us by writing to supporto@sfogliami.it
I've already seen other flipbooks before Sfogliami. What's new?
Sfogliami has some small innovations that can make a big difference in real use.
Our flipbooks are viewable and animated even on mobile devices, natively integrate social media sharing and are ready for sale.
You can remove the Sfogliami logo, include the flipbook in an existing site, and monitor its statistics with a dedicated tool.
You can also create sensitive areas (links), within the pages of your flipbook, and decide who to grant access to by protecting it with a password."
What content is suitable for publishing on Sfogliami?
You can upload content entirely created by you or whose publishing rights you hold.
Uploading and converting copyrighted material is a criminal offense.
In case of abuse your account will be closed with the consequent cancellation of all your flipbooks.
The use of the Sfogliami site implies the binding acceptance of these terms of use.
Advertising banners have appeared in my flipbook, how can I remove them?
After 15 days from creation, banner ads may appear. There are three ways to remove them forever:

1) buying the priority
during the conversion phase you can decide to skip the queue. All flipbooks converted with priority are free from advertising banners, forever

2) boost your flipbook
The boost allows access to a number of advanced features. Included in the price your flipbook will be free from banner ads, forever.

3) put your flipbook on sale
All flipbooks for sale are ad-free, forever.
I need the invoice for my flipbook, who can I request it from?
Online sales are attributable to mail order sales and therefore without obligation to invoice, as provided for in Article 22 of Presidential Decree no. 633 of 1972, and without obligation to issue a receipt as required by Article 2, letter oo), of Presidential Decree 21 December 1996, n. 696.
We therefore do not issue the invoice, but you can use the receipt automatically generated by PayPal after payment, sent by email at the time of purchase and downloadable even later from your PayPal account. For high purchase volumes, if an invoice is required, you can contact us before purchasing at support@sfogliami.it.
Posso pubblicare periodicamente i nuovi sfogliabili sul mio sito, in automatico?
Sfogliami.it permette di organizzare i tuoi sfogliabili in raccolte.
La raccolta può essere aggiunta al tuo sito tramite il codice di inclusione, e si aggiorna automaticamente ogni violta che crei un nuovo numero!
Scopri di più
Posso far vedere i miei sfogliabili solo ai miei abbonati?
Sugli sfogliabili potenziati è attivabile l'opzione "visibile solo sul mio sito", questo ti permette di inserire una raccolta di sfogliabili nell'area riservata del tuo sito e di garantire solo agli utenti registrati (abbonati) l'accesso ai numeri della tua rivista.
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Create your flipbook now